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aren't dreams cool?

Since I was little, my grandma, Momoo, has always been my go to person for dream analysis. She understood all the nuances that comes with dreaming. She could relate the fire burning in the fireplace you happened to mention while relating your dream last night, to the passion you are feeling about the guy you’ve been talking to. Amazing. She used to leave me speechless, which is a hard feat for anyone who knows me. She’s my inspiration for this blog and its content.


Momoo also introduced me to Sylvia Browne. I love her, (may she be continually blessed). Sylvia Browne had that down-to-earth way about her that just draws you in. I loved to see her speak and I love her books. The reason I mention her is because of her book, Book of Dreams. It’s so thorough. In the book, she walks you through the 5 different, yet distinct types of dreams we’ve all had at one time or another. She teaches you how to understand your dreams. She shows you how to recognize your own patterns and symbols inside of your dreams. She explains how your dreams are really just the important conversations you’re having with yourself. I love this book. I actually keep it by my bedside along with a dream dictionary.














I’ve been studying dreams since I’ve found this book. Assessing my own dreams has sometimes become a challenge for me, but I’ve learned to work through it. It’s a challenge because I’m right in the middle of it. All the emotions are mine and at the time, very real. Sorting through it once I’ve “gotten over it” has been the only way I’ve learned understand them better. I have to purposely write it out and then come back to it. But once I am free of the initial “sting” of the dream, I can look at it from a better perspective.


I’ve always been interested in the dreams of others, too. I’ve been asked to assess my friends' dreams on numerous occasions. Most of the time, I’ve been able to make my friends speechless too. They can’t understand how I’m able to listen to what they’re saying and make it connect to what’s happening in their real life. I enjoy seeing their faces. It actually makes me all warm inside to know that I’m helping. I figure this is as good time as any to show you how you too can help people (and yourself... of course) understand the language that you and your inside-self, dream-self are having with one another.

how to better understand your dreams...

1. After dedicating a notebook as your dream book/journal, start waking up everyday and writing out your dreams. It doesn’t matter that it doesn’t make sense. It doesn’t matter if you spelled something wrong. It doesn’t matter that its out of order… all that matters is that you write it out with as much detail as you can remember. Make plans to revisit the entry within an hour or day of writing it. Sometimes dreams are time sensitive, so be sure to be diligent about looking at them. Also, rereading them months and years from now can have a very profound effect on how you see yourself. I’ve noticed some interesting insights about myself and how during important times in my life I’ve been dreaming about similar things in different ways.


2. Once you come back to your dream, take the dream from the top and write everything that stands out: where you are, who you’re with, what you’re wearing, what you’re saying, how you’re feeling, what colors stood out the most, were there any colors. Try to use one or two word answers. This helps to condense the feelings that want to rev up inside of you.


3. Now look at the new words you wrote and allow yourself to feel what those words conjure up. Do those feelings take you to place in your reality? Good. Write those down. Write those impressions. That’s the meat and potatoes of what your subconscious is trying to tell you. Your dream-self has just shared with you how your physical realty is affecting you spiritual/intellectual/emotional reality.


Pretty cool, huh? Try it out for yourself. Let me know if I can help!!

Thanks! Message sent.

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